Better late than never...right?
When I think about the internet as what it is, I still feel a bit overwhelmed and confused. To think that it all started for research purposes, and now it is used for everything from keeping in touch with family and friends, reading the news, and even doing your weekly grocery shopping. I have become addicted to checking e-mails (I have three different accounts), shopping for clothes, shoes, and now looking at baby stuff, and self diagnosing any ailment by using the medical sites. The internet has come a long way and as an educator, I feel that there are so many positive things that can be done, including the IMing system. I do not IM myself, but this is another part of the internet that is being discussed.
I feel it is nice to be able to speak with people, ask questions, and discuss important topics without having to wait a long time to get feedback. This upcoming school year I will have new laptops for my works library. The question has come up with what will be available for use by the students. I never even thought about downloading AIM or another IMing program. I am interested to know what others think on this issue. Is this something 5th - 8th graders should be using with the live internet?
As far as IMing goes, there are some great options for students, libraries, and the like. Trillian is a great way to IM with many different IM sources.
All IMing is blocked at our school. Also blogs, my space and all e-mail is blocked except for the teachers' school e-mail accounts. Some of these issues will be coming up at our technology meetings in August s I am eager to see if any social software Web 2.0 things can be made available for our students.
Adding IMing would certainly be very popular, but I really doubt that it would be allowed. Perhaps you can use some of the many articles about teens and collaboration when you discuss the issue with those who are making the decision. IM is an important tool for many kids today, and it doesn't seem right for the library to not have it.
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